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Lighting Up Your AI Future丨华工正源OFC2024精彩抢“鲜”看

摘要:华工正源将携“新”出击,围绕下一代数据中心建设、陆海空天一体化主题,在OFC 2024向全球合作伙伴展示在ChatGPT4.0、Sora、5G-A等应用场景下,最新高速率光模块产品进展。

  ICC讯 全球TOP8光模块制造商华工正源发布预告,在3月26日美国OFC光纤通信展上,将携“新”出击,围绕下一代数据中心建设、陆海空天一体化主题,向全球合作伙伴展示在ChatGPT4.0、Sora、5G-A等应用场景下,最新高速率光模块产品进展。

  HGGenuine, a global TOP8 optical module manufacturer, will launch a "new" campaign at the OFC2024 in the US on March 26th, showcasing the latest progress in high-speed optical module products in application scenarios such as ChatGPT4.0, Sora, and 5G-A to global partners around the theme of next-generation data center construction.



  1.6T/200G per lane

  为满足Sora、ChatGPT等AI应用端需求,华工正源在现有400G和800G成功硅光产品研发基础上,将推出基于单波200G 的1.6T各类模块产品,该1.6T模块产品采用自研单波200G硅光芯片,并兼容薄膜铌酸锂调制器。

  To meet the ever-increasing needs of AI applications such as Sora and ChatGPT, HGGenuine will launch a portfolio of 200G/lane 1.6T module products which use 200G/lane silicon photonic chips developed in-house, and can also accommodate TFLN modulators.

  800G LPO Series

  AI时代,算力为王。AI大模型的快速迭代,对数据中心网络架构提出了更高要求,推动其向低时延、高速率、低功耗方向快速演进。从应用市场来看,高速率光模块带来的降本降耗推动硅光、NPO、CPO等技术发展。在OFC2024现场,华工正源即将Live Demo的800G LPO SiPh,采用自研高线性硅光芯片方案作为核心技术,功耗低至8~10W。

  At the OFC2024 site, 800G DR8 LPO module based on SiPh technology is demostrated, which adopts a self-developed silicon photonics chip with high linearity as the core technology, with a power consumption as low as 8-10W.



  800G ZR/ZR+

  华工正源将推出应用于DCI领域长距离传输的800G QSFP-DD ZR/ZR+相干光模块,核心指标均高于行业规格,且余量充足。在OFC2024现场,华工正源将全球首款动态DEMO的800G ZR。可有效实现DCI光层在不安装中继放大器场景下,实现超远距离传输。

  HGGenuine will launch an 800G QSFP-DD ZR/ZR+ coherent optical transceiver for long distance transmission in the DCI field, with excellent product performance, higher-than-industry parameters and sufficient margin. and can directly transmit 120KM point-to-point without an external optical amplifier.






本文地址:http://www.iccsz.com//Site/CN/News/2024/03/12/20240312144815240548.htm 转载请保留文章出处
文章标题:Lighting Up Your AI Future丨华工正源OFC2024精彩抢“鲜”看
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