深圳—中国国际光电博览会/光纤到户研讨会,2010年9月6日 —武汉电信器件有限公司(WTD)与Hoya Xponent很荣幸地宣布共同开发CSFP/CSFF(Compact Small-Form-Factor Pluggable/Compact Small-Form-Factor)收发器,以推动技术的发展和满足CSFP/CSFF市场的需求。
With the exponential growth in bandwidth demand, WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexed) technology has been widely used in fiber optic networks. Adding wavelengths in the same fiber effectively increases the bandwidth capacity of a fiber and thus avoid the need to install more fibers or increase the bit rate to higher level. For example, in the optical fiber of an FTTH/FTTP 1310/1490/1550 triplex service network, the 1490 nm wavelength is used for downstream voice and data signals, 1550 nm wavele
领先的FTTx光器件创新厂商Xponent光子公司在日前落幕的OFC/NFOEC上推出了微型光器件封装的终极版本——Xtreme Optics™平台。Xtreme Optics采用了Xpo
10/4/2005,表面贴装光器件的领先供应商Xponent光子今天宣布推出针对GPON ONU/ONT应用的光模块的参考设计方案。该方案满足模拟视频接收的特定要求: 50 到 870 MHz 带
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