Each person has an individual walking habit related to human gait, including speed cadence, etc. Thus, gait of different people can be classified. In this paper, gait data was collected from a sensor system called intelligent carpet. The so-called intelligent carpet consists of optical fibers and is based on Photonic Guided-Path Tomography (PGPT). The raw data was pre-processed and separated into single steps. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was applied to achieve data classification. The specif
With the exponential growth in bandwidth demand, WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexed) technology has been widely used in fiber optic networks. Adding wavelengths in the same fiber effectively increases the bandwidth capacity of a fiber and thus avoid the need to install more fibers or increase the bit rate to higher level. For example, in the optical fiber of an FTTH/FTTP 1310/1490/1550 triplex service network, the 1490 nm wavelength is used for downstream voice and data signals, 1550 nm wavele
领先的智能光网络设备公司 Ciena 宣布赢得THUS电信的2年期MSPP设备独家供货合同。Ciena的ONLINE城域和边缘设备将应用到THUS的全国网络中,大
英国领先的语音,数据,因特网运营商 Thus 日前启动基于MPLS的IP VPN业务。该业务采用以太网为接入手段。该业务将为英国用户提供一个灵活的,可
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