Linktel Technologies Co., Ltd. (OFC Booth #2531) and MultiLane, Inc. (Booth #5809) are conducting live BERT demo of 800G OSFP with TFLN (Thin Film LiNbO3) technology platform. The product is specifically designed for data centers and offers ultra-high bandwidth, low power consumption and scalability.
国芯片商英伟达(Nvidia(226.98, -5.18, -2.23%))向SEC提交申请,准备以混合证券货架式发行(mixed shelf offering)模式增发股票
根据海能达公告,伦敦证券交易所上市公司 Sepura plc对外公告了《Possible offer》,赛普乐董事会确认,海能达正就有关收购赛普乐全部股份的可能要约(possible offer)事宜与其进行前期的初步接洽。
据说,鹅厂2014年的Offer被Turn Down的比例是48%,狼厂是53%。再自豪地告诉大家,我公司上个月被拒的Offer年薪总额超过500万,尼玛真悲催。 Oh my god!!!你遇到过哪些呢?
FTTH (Fiber To The Home) A broadband access network offers various high-speed services to the end-user such as internet, multimedia, tele-medicine and distant learning. Fiber to the home (FTTH) is an optical access network architecture that uses optical fibers to replace all or part of the metallic cables to the end-user. Using OptiSystem w...
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